How many of us do not differentiate between the love from sex?
Two very different things in my opinion, the first is a purely natural act that has no need of programs, words, phrases, gestures, explain ... ... the second one is an act of pure selfishness, use your body to personal pleasure!
How to understand how one takes over another?
Well meanwhile I think that two people in love do not decide when to make love, it happens in a natural, spontaneous, is not seen as a test, there is anxiety, there is a complex matter, and why not, sometimes a pinch Ironically, because I think that to take too seriously at times the individual ports to be closed to intimate level.
When two are making love is established in each other a lot of protection, their understanding of what can happen in the act!
When you have sex no, we tend to give priority to performance, pleasure, or create problems arise if these concerns do not cover the most of our expectations ... ... ... expectations, a word that love should not exist, why are these expectations that slowly wear all an act in the first place, after a report ....
Why do I go to write and talk about everything? Well
. because I think that sometimes helps a lot in understanding all the know, hang out, love the wrong people, it is often because in life they love the wrong people, at times perhaps even more we love the wrong people deserving of those quotation marks, as if we had within us a sort of pleasant self-harm, until we realize that God makes us such people meet, errors life, to grow, mature and then to really get the true gift, for the right person, with a capital of love, because love is a tree full of leaves, while sex .......

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