you understand when you meet the right person, you understand why encountering first the wrong people will realize how natural, simple and special gifts that are the right person with incredible simplicity can give you.
do not need to ask, do not need to understand, is all by itself, when the person is all right!
And in today's society to emerge and find the right person is really really hard, we live in a society where to stop and think, think before you act is less likely.
me, I am realizing with the passage of time, with the living, thanks to the ghosts of the past that returns all the more confirm me how long you can lose with the wrong people, because of love!
It is also to blame because of this wonderful feeling that sometimes we humans commit many mistakes .......
lose time because of love with people numb, empty, people who are looking for clones of today's society to compensate for them without guilt, the conscience lavandosene as ?......... asking the friend on facebook !!!!! How sad!
This is today's society, where people love to break without taking responsibility, then tried to convey to people the image of the Good Samaritan, to atone for their actions, even when they are trying to justify unjustifiable ........ ....
I admire those who can always forgive anyone anything to say about this, they must do so because they feel it though, and not only to create a golden image in the eyes of the people!
Phantom'll be six and ghost .......

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