What do you think happens when art and science meet in the automotive world? For us, maybe nothing, but thanks to Horacio Pagani seven years of work has achieved something extraordinary: her ...
You know, it's easy to say a special supercar from Milo of € 1 and 370 km / h, but are not these features make this a "goddess" (Huayra is the name of the god of wind in the Indian population). For example we can speak of the body is completely of carbon fiber "simple", simple because the threads of the fiber of the chassis are intertwined with those of titanium, the suspension arms made of an aluminum alloy aeronaut (-30% of normal), motor 5980 cubic cm, 700 horsepower at 5800 rpm and a torque of 1100 Nm available from 2500 to 4250 rpm. All in only 1350 Kg ....
matter how extreme this supercar, the interior is a triumph of elegance, comfort and originality. seats carbon coated practically tailor-made leather, steering wheel and center console at the very least give it a futuristic look unique and exuberant short, the craft to assemble 170 of the interior is fully justified by the final result.
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