The fool on the hill has uneven teeth and a rare smile.
Holds hands in his pockets, like ballast from a balloon. While the mind is free to roam. Like a balloon that is lifts off after escaping from the grip of an uncertain child. The fool on the hill
loves to cling to coincidences, signals, forecasts and formulas, but has a tendency to lose sight of the variables. Opponents capable of upsetting even the most perfect of plans.
The idiot on the hill watching too many movies. And it has a weakness for romantic comedies. Yes, those silly and strictly American, full of good feelings and happy endings.
But life is not a movie, he learned to his cost. Or, if it is, certainly not the plot, let alone the ending, a silly romantic comedy American. The fool on the hill
ultimately does nothing but walk. As Forrest Gump ran.
Not to think.
to forget.
The Idiot on the Hill is really me. At the height of my masochism.
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