Whatever Works?
Woody Allen's latest film, behind the seemingly light tone, the gags and jokes withering, hidden (but not too ...) a radical and nihilistic message, summarized by its title.
In practice, the moral of the film is: Forget the dreams, ambitions, hoping to find the love of your life, to live a movie, etc.. etc.. and be content with what you happen if, precisely, what you happen to work.
All right, for charity.
Or, at least, the whole damn true.
But, faced with a moral as ruthless as sincere, you can not help but wonder if it really is possible and "human" in the truest sense of the term, living like this.
Almost as if life was a pilot episode of a TV series, a provision of law or by, say, 'a dishwasher.
And then, replacing an exclamation point with a question you can reverse the direction of the movie wondering, but life can really be reduced to a simple "enough that it works?