Similar to a title of a famous album by Sonic Youth that showed sex as a source of confusion but I think that in many cases the real confusion of our life is love, the love you feel for a person, physical or mental condition that is!
Many people think or could be certain that these two things must necessarily fit within this emotional state, but you can be assured even though a small part of the emotional state of exception?
Well I think we can not, I think that love in all its forms, positive or negative creates confusion within us, a confusion that can sometimes be too nice but sometimes even devastating.
Do you have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow a person can stand trial in a state mental kindness, love towards another person who would never and then never hurt on an emotional level while living and knowing that there is a problem between them, not a mental problem, not a problem of understanding, not a problem with affection, not a sharing problem but a physical problem, attraction Perhaps the part that completes the cohesion of this country, maybe not?
One thing I can be certain that the suffering of this state, the problem may not exist, there is only YES, YES it is really bad, you can not understand why it is so difficult to find a person who succeeds to the coexistence of two states, the mental and physical, of course, without effort, care or treatment because of these things in love ..... there must be no love in the only cose che devono esistere sono l'istinto e la naturalezza!