The question of "what if" is the basis of any self-respecting science-fiction story. A
as Sliding Doors owes its success to the staging of a classic what if. Even
Marvel has, for many years, published a series of hypothetical events focusing on his most famous characters: what would happen if Spider-Man had joined the Four Fanastici? And if Captain America had become U.S. President? And so on.
But what if that's not just a literary device the contrary, is an exercise that, like it or not, virtually everyone.
O, however, more often than we imagine.
What would have happened if those stories were invented by a child when playing with Playmobil were turned into movies? What if your grandfather was still left some more 'time to keep you company down here instead of leaving soon, too soon? And what if that girl with dark eyes, eyes in which the find is so easy to get lost, you say yes?
short, ask questions of this kind is a natural gesture.
Just as sleep.
Just like dreaming.
But it is also a gesture that can be extremely painful.
Just like waking up in the middle of a dream from which we would not ever quit.