THE WEEKEND CASA DE SICA Located in a restored eighteenth-century villa, Casa De Sica is a club full in every way, that satisfies a diverse clientele and always new. Location well-kept in every detail and overall very large, especially in the summer version. The restaurant is chic and the food is pretty good by spending € 25 to € 35 including drinks. The door policy is not very rigid and the choice of DJS is always varied. Ample parking and maybe a little too salty for our tastes, especially near the entrance! The ideal venue for small and closed circles who hates and loves the great outdoors instead. From the 2008/2009 winter season the club has called a purely private White House, which will have access to a limited and selected guests. For information look at the bottom of the page or contact our PR! Casa De Sica is the disco which holds the absolute primacy in Brescia since 2007, attracting a clientele of all ages (given the large availability of rooms and situations different musical) that goes from Bergamo to Mantua / Cremona / Verona.
PRICES House of De Sica:
Friday evening
input whole person: 18 € - Spongebob on the list (or other): 16 € with drink! Women's Lobby
Full price: 12 € - Spongebob in list (or other): Tribute
Saturday Night
input whole person: 20 € - Spongebob in list (or other): 18 € with drink! Women's Lobby
Full price: 12 € - Spongebob in list (or other): Tribute
For dinner, prices are 35 € and 25 € Man Woman including drinks (water and wine every 2 people, an appetizer buffet , 2 / 1, a second choice among many options, coffee and cake) and then input into disco that Saturday is Friday. The restaurant opens at about 21.
Damiano - CELL: 347 7699860 - MSN: @ d.dredd82
Dario - CELL: 328 3552855 - MSN: