Saturday, February 23, 2008

Acl Reconstruction Vs Meniscus Pain

Look carefully ...

There is something wrong with this picture, do not you?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bath & Body Works Glycerin Soap

Harry Potter and the waste emergency in Campania.

Many years have passed since the last battle between Harry Potter and the dreaded Lord Voldemort. The bespectacled boy wizard
wand and shoes hung on a nail and retired to private life.
pity that this life has been generous with its rewards for him: his wife Hermione has pitched for the Wizard Forrest, considering much more sexually gifted, and his three sons, Jerry, and Larry Harrison (also known as Harry, Jr.), none has chosen to follow the perilous path that passes through Hogwarts.
The former has in fact opted for a profession so humble as it is useful to society: a plumber. And in less than no time became the most good plumber in the world capable of adjusting unclog dishwasher and processes with a few simple touches - so much so that many malign his account, arguing that much talent is hidden behind some arcane sorcery
... The second son, Larry, had a phenomenally successful career at McDonald's after the patented sandwich best selling of all time: the McPotter! Italian American tasty rat meat seasoned with Mexican chili cloned in the laboratory, strictly spoiled mayonnaise, a touch of ginger (which never hurts) and a secret ingredient produced daily by Harry Potter himself.
The youngest, Harry, Jr., has instead chosen the easy path of life from a shoot, constantly photographed on the covers of magazines all over the world next to the beautiful and famous women like Paris Hilton, Rihanna, Gegia and Nadia Rinaldi.
§ § § §
Harry Potter is tired and dejected, he spends his days in solitude to smoke pot sunk in the armchair of his study.
But, one day, someone knocks on his door.
The sound of the alarm bell from deep sleep in which he had gently led the Moroccan who had purchased two days earlier for a nice nest egg of pounds.
- Who is it? - Ask Harry, still distracted by the dream / memory / fantasy of lewd acts together with Hermione.
- Open.
- Who the hell are you?
- are the special commissioner for the waste emergency in Campania.
- Embee? What the fuck you want from me?
- I never meant to call you, but ... Harry, we have a problem!
- Ok. Wait a minute I arrive. Micah takes her scarf in Naples?
- Well ... this time it's a bit 'cold, but ...
- Never mind that it is yellow-red? I only have one ...
- ... But no! You have to do with this scarf?! In Naples, mica does it all '... I'm cold. But the wand so, eh? That portal.
- And the broom? What do I do? The port?
- Take it, take it ...

Globby Cervical Mucus Implantation

Law and (dis) Order 1x01

That Fear and Loathing in the life of a lawyer - Ep. 1 -

If there is a work in which time plays an important role, well, is that of the lawyer.
Years, months, days, hours and sometimes punctuate the life of a process.
Years, months, days and determine the life (and death) of a right.
least in most cases. Think
rights as a people. With a date of birth. And one (ahinoi!) of death.
Or, even better - and to avoid touching -, think of rights as a perishable product with a lot of expiration date printed on.
Are you there?
Here, a lawyer at the showdown is just that: a warehouse that should be avoided the stuff that happens between your hands become inedible and harmful.
why the first question that makes you a lawyer - or rather, that should make you a good lawyer - to inform him as soon as you finish your case is, how many years ago did it happen?
O: you sent a letter?
Or again: he kept the receipt? (And maybe one day we will talk about this mythological figure and one of the greatest enemies of a lawyer, or the postal worker ...) Why
lawyer that you have right or wrong, on balance, little interest.
If the law is required, all the reasons of this world (and a thousand others) there will be enough.
If it is not required, no matter how tiny your chances of winning, well then ... you can still do it! - Some would say "you can do," then that is nothing but the version of the infamous catchphrase of Italianized Trettré 'S' bit is' ... S 'bit is' ... "Remember? -
Yet time and the lawyer are not enemies, as it might seem at first sight.
Ultimately the two, ups and downs, conflicts and resentments, they go hand in hand. As a couple who takes it and leaves, he takes and leaves, and eventually takes up only. Why
a lawyer can not do without the time. And time
can not do without a lawyer - who else would make it feel so important? -. Why
the enemies of a lawyer are very different - the word CANCELLIERI mean anything? -.
And because time is one of the few things capable of bringing order out of chaos - no, calm, and just chaos - which is the life of a lawyer.
But we will speak again ...
(1- continues )

Mera Naam Jokerscenes

There are two things ... How

.. able to keep "alive" a blog: updates and comments.
And since they hiding for some time before it is too late and this blog pulls the bucket, it's time to start posting.
PS Fucking picture has nothing to do but serve to increase the hype ...